02.08. um 19:00 - Drag King Show

von dem norwegischen Drag-King Kollektiv Gutta (The Guys)

Gutta (The Guys) is a Scandinavian Drag King collective based in Oslo, made up by the four buddies Larry, Robin, Lavrans and RichHard. Gutta was born on Valentines Day in 2019 in front of a hungry and eager audience, and has since been performing throughout Norway, Sweden and Denmark in both queer, feminist, political and artistic contexts. In 2020 they made the cult movie called “Gutta presents: GOD”. Watch it here: www.gutta.world.

In “The Takeover” Gutta wants to get you, the audience, wet and warm, so that you can get in touch with your innermost desires and get to know new sides of yourself. Gutta will open you up; both intellectual, emotional, aesthetically and sexual. The four kings will give you everything you didn`t know you wanted. Gutta is your new sexuality.

Gutta consists of four performing artists; Desiree Bøgh Vaksdal (NO), Josephine Kylén Collins (SE), Lærke Grøntved (DK) and Ann-Christin Kongsness (NO). With Gutta we explore our own masculinity in all its complexities and nuances, at the same time as we shamelessly sample and mix up male stereotypes.


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